Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You wont find this on his website..

I thought I would move this discussion to a blog, since I've been so long winded. Those of you who don't know what I'm talking about can refer to our discussion on politics on the Nazarro blog entitled, "suspension of nazrock".

One of the few issues Obama has actually voted on is abortion. In fact, he's done much more than that. He's used it to "excite his base and raise money." In 2004 Michelle Obama sent out a fundraising email on behalf of her husband. The hook was the 2003 Congressional ban on partial-birth abortions. Even certain Democrats voted for the ban referring to it as, "as close to infanticide as anything I have come upon..." (Senator Patrick Moynihan, NY). In the email she describes the law as a "ban on a legitimate medical procedure" that "is clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned.......On march 16th we have a chance to nominate a candidate who will be tireless in the fight to protect women's rights." In 2007 Obama offered a statement against a Supreme court ruling upholding the 2003 ban. He said it was a restriction on "a woman's right to choose", and cited lack of "women's medical concerns". Family, he wasn't just talking about abortion. He was talking about Partial-birth Abortion. In 97 he voted "present" (effectively a "no") on two different partial-birth abortion bans that came to the floor. One bill passed, 44 to 5. Obama tried to explain that the bill contained no exception for the health of the mother in his book, Audicity of Hope. When is partial-birth abortion ever necessary to a mother's health? A health coalition, the Physicians Ad Hoc Coalition for Truth, a group of 600 doctors wrote,"Never is the partial-birth procedure medically indicated."
Obama wants to see all restriction on abortion erradicated. in 2007 speaking before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund he said "The first thing I'll do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." Listen close, this bill would cancel every state, federal , and local regulation on abortion, no matter what. It would abolish all state restrictions on govt funding of abortions. If Obama becomes president and lives up to this promise, everyone who pays income tax would be paying to fund abortions. By promising to sign this into law, he's eliminating laws which protect our nurses (hey, I know a few nurses) and doctors from losing their jobs if they refuse to participate in abortions. He's promising to abolish requirements for parental notification and informed consent for mothers considering the procedure. There are Pro-life groups that argue it would even remove the requirement that only licensed physicians perform abortions.
This is one area where Obama has a real record.


Debbie said...

These are all good points. I applaud your passion. At this point, I am hoping and praying Obama does not win.

The Mattson Family said...

Thought you might be interested in this site, http://www.catholicvote.com/
Happy voting!